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Vintage movie posters

Movie Poster Selection

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The most memorable old films are partly remembered for their poster design. These are classic movie posters that remain in the collective memory of those who enjoyed them in the cinema. Here you can browse a selection of the most famous movie posters in history.

In the store: Movie Paintings

American suspense movie.
Winner of eleven Oscar awards.
Ben Hur
Famous action movie.
Blade Runner
Historical film production poster.

One of the most famous movies in the world.
Nostalgic Italian movie.
Cinema Paradiso
Directed by Orson Welles.
Citizen Kane
Poster of Spielberg's extraterrestrial.
E. T.

Classic horror movie.
The Exorcist
Old children's movie.
The Wizard of Oz
The great saga The Godfather.
The Godfather
Classic audiovisual production.
The Bridge on the River Kwai

Movie inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien.
The Lord of the Rings
The most remembered of Stanley Kubrick.
A Clockwork Orange
Poster with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh.
Gone with the Wind
American science fiction.
The Matrix

Starring Travolta.
Pulp Fiction
Stallone's boxing movie.
George Lucas's blockbuster.
Star Wars
Romantic dramatized movie.