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Fortunato Depero
Umberto Boccioni

Futurist Oil Paintings

Futurist painting includes among its main themes treated in the paintings: speed, the presence of machines, and the use of colors and geometric shapes with the goal of reproducing movement and speed.


Futurist art is a painting and literary movement that originated in Italy during the first decade of the 20th century. In the famous Manifeste du Futurisme by Marinetti, published on February 20, 1909, in the Le Figaro newspaper of Paris, futurism is proclaimed as a form of expression of struggle and daring. It is a movement that wants to break with the past and exalts belonging to a new contemporary reality related to speed and progress.

The Futurist Movement

The futurist movement breaks ties with tradition, with the past, and with all conventional symbols belonging to the history of art, thus embracing a new ideal tied to contemporaneity.

The Phases of Futurism

Like all artistic forms produced by humans, futurism is much more complex and articulated than it is possible to summarize in a few lines. It went through various phases: that of the first futurism, which begins in 1909 with the publication of the Futurist Manifesto, among whose exponents Umberto Boccioni and Giacomo Balla stand out; and the phase of the second futurism, also divided into two parts, whose beginning is after the death of Boccioni (1916) and dates to 1918, among the prominent artists we find Fortunato Depero.

The second futurism ended in 1938 and was influenced by the techniques of artistic currents developed in parallel in art: cubism, surrealism, and abstractionism.

Written by Roberta Piana