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David Levine

David Levine

This artist is versatile, not only does he draw high-quality caricatures, but his art also includes oil paintings and watercolors. Born in 1926 in New York, he studied art in Philadelphia and is considered by many to be the most influential caricaturist of our times. His passion involves meticulously examining the person portrayed in order to capture their fears and virtues on paper. He has a special ability to draw caricatures of politicians, his works, although often bordering on politically correct, are enjoyed by the general public who appreciate his social criticism.

Mort Drucker
Al Hirschfeld
Tom Richmond

Levine's Caricatures

American social poet drawn.
Allen Tate

Caricature of the former president of Russia.
Boris Yeltsin

Caricature of the vice president of the USA.
Dick Cheney

Sketch of President Bush Senior.
George Bush

First president of the United States in caricature.
George Washington

Famous Russian politician caricatured.

Essayist and novelist portrayed in pencil.
Isaac Rosenfeld

Caricature of the poet of African origin.
Ishmael Reed

Satirical portrait of the Nobel Prize winner in literature.
Naguib Mahfouz

Funny painting of the American composer.
Paul Bowles

Hollywood actor in caricature.
Richard Burton

The controversial writer Rushdie.
Salman Rushdie